I dreamt of a place where I belonged. The memories flitted through my mind like a knife piercing my heart. I wanted to return to Konoha, really I did, but I couldn't. There were so many things I wished to tell the others. So many useless thoughts of washed out dreams I held for them. When the time came, I wondered, would I be the same. Could they possibly see me the way they used to, as Takeda Mika and not the Angel of Death? As the person who would sacrifice her own life to protect others instead of the one who took lives just for an unachievable goal. Revenge never looked so unpleasing.
It was times like these I wished I could simply fade away into nothingness. That was truly the place I belonged now, hollow darkness. I wouldn't be alone there. I was never alone any more. Akuma and Ankoku would follow me wherever I went. My fate would be theirs as well, and so they kept me alive. The two demonesses refused to give into death so easily, and made me relive the painful moments of my life, day in and day out. I was haunted by the faces of those who I've killed, troubled by their last screams of mercy. With that wicked smile plastered on my lips, I forced those shinobi to meet their judgment while I secretly waited for my own to come.
My eyes stared sightlessly at the ceiling above me. I lay sprawled out on top of my blanketed bed with my body forming the insignia of the cross. My bangs clung onto my forehead for dear life while various strands of my hair attached itself to my neck, cheek, and shoulders. Cold sweat dripped from my forehead forming a damp puddle on the blanket below me. I had awoken in my room without knowing how I managed to do so. My first thought was that Akuma or Ankoku had moved my body while I was unconscious, but the two demonesses denied ever doing so.
As if on cue, two silhouettes formed on either side of me. The beady red eyes of the first demoness stared at me in wonder. My eyes never faltered from the ceiling. Akuma watched me, silently taking in my actions as if they were her own. I was broken, and there was no one to blame except myself. Akuma's transparent hand rested on my forehead in a motherly fashion. She had grown so attached to me over the years, so inept to my emotions that she behaved like a human sometimes. In the span of two years we spent on our own, this behavior had become more frequent. Often times, she referred to herself as my other half. The part of me that no one could see, save for a few.
Ankoku snorted at Akuma in disgust. She was far from understanding the other demoness' actions, much like I was. I didn't know why Akuma suddenly started to act like this. At first it was subtle changes. Like when she told me to stay in Konoha on that sleepless night, or when she insisted on killing Orochimaru by her own to hands just to save me the trouble of staining my own with his blood. Ever since the pact had been sealed, she was much more obvious with her affections. She often appeared in front of me to attempt to soothe my mind from the strenuous training Ankoku pushed me through. Still, I couldn't understand her reasoning. In all honesty, I wasn't sure I wanted to.
My eyes fluttered shut as Akuma stroked my cheek. I could feel her calloused hands rub against my skin, and for some reason it was pleasant. It was the thought that I would never be alone that comforted me. Ever since Jaron had died, I felt hollow on the inside. As if my other half had suddenly vanished and would never return. But Akuma had filled that hole with her own presence. She had taken away that pain I felt for so long, and finally allowed the numb void to take over residence. I could feel nothing, because I was nothing.
With each passing day, I broke a little more on the inside, giving up that part of me as a sacrifice to the two demons that were harbored within my soul. I let Akuma and Ankoku feast on the remnants of my black heart without leaving so much of a scrap of humanity for myself. Yes, I was ready to die.
"When do you think it will happen..?" I inquired.
~Who's to say? Tomorrow, the day after that... Perhaps it will be a month from now, or a year...~ Akuma muttered.
"It's strange. I thought it'd be over by now," I laughed, dryly.
~*Worthless human, awaiting your death is no way to succeed in revenge*~ Ankoku seethed. ~*If you are so apt to die, then perhaps I should just kill you myself. It would save Akuma and I a lot of trouble.*~
Akuma shot the other demoness a menacing glare, ~The death of a broken soul is not something to resist. It is the fate of all jinchuurikis to become like this.~
~*Then is it the fate of all sealed demons to become like you, Akuma? To pity the being that continues to lock you away as if you were the plague?*~
I continued to stare straight ahead, eyes never leaving the tiled ceiling. My mind tuned out the conversation that was being carried on without my help. Akuma and Ankoku always did find themselves in the midst of a brawl over my own expense. Somehow it reminded me of my parents. The tone the two demonesses used was similar to theirs when they fought about my and Jaron's well being. As if that particular fight would ensure our death or survival. Maybe, in a way, it did...
Back then, Jaron never cared about me. He despised me, shunned me when we were in public. I was just a parasite sucking away his life, his strength, his popularity. In the past I didn't know the meaning of family, of having a brother who would give his life away for my own sake. We had our moments, of course, when we acted like true brother and sister while living in Sunagakure, but they were rare and far between. It was because of this my parents fought constantly. Jaron and I were competitive toward each other to win their affections. I would try to outdo him while he would attempt to do the same all in the sake of showing we were not truly equal, that we were more than just a pair of twins, we were separate beings. Of course, our parents never saw us that way.
The moment I realized that was the very moment Akuma had awakened within me. The day I killed my parents with the assistance of the very demon I came to both loathe and adore. Akuma was right, I would never be alone. She would stay within me until my very last breath, and then she would die along with me. My life was hers, and her life was mine. I didn't want it to end that way. I hated Akuma with all my being in my early years, and she hated me as well. Perhaps now she only felt pity for me. Maybe Ankoku was right... I was just causing them trouble with my humane weakness.
I sat up abruptly on the bed without so much of a warning to the two demonesses. Akuma glanced my way. Her mouth barely parted making it appear as if she had been in the middle of saying something to Ankoku. With a side glance toward Ankoku, I stood at the foot of my bed. Making my way to the wall on the opposite side of the window, I answered their unvoiced questions.
"Weakness is a curse that I choose not to endure much longer," I stated. "I'll train until I'm fit to use the power I've received freely, and without either of your assistance. That is the only way for me to achieve my one true goal before this useless existence of mine wears out on me."
My gaze rested on Akuma for a moment. Her transparent face became still as her crimson oculars shut, ~I see. So this is your decision then, my dearest.~
She faded out of sight soon after her words fluttered through the air. I stared at the spot on the bed for a moment before turning to look at Ankoku. Unlike Akuma, she didn't seem so despondent. In fact, she looked a little more excited than anything else. I suppose she just couldn't wait to see me tear myself apart a little more. That way, she could have the rest of me when I was through with this life.
~*It's admiral, really, to see such a pathetic being such as yourself aiming for death in all its gallantry. You do know, of course, that there is no turning back now. You have made you decision, and in the end you will have to accept completely without protest.*~
"I have already come to accept it, Ankoku, there is no more I can do," I muttered.
~*Ah, now that's the trick. It may feel that way to you, my pet, but I can sense the indecision still swirling within. Especially that which deals with a certain other aspect from your bleak past.*~
"What would you know of my past? You weren't there, you didn't see the suffering I was forced to endure... You couldn't even imagine-"
~*It is hidden deep within you, baka. The scars left on your conscious are enough to show the truth of how you feel. I know you still care deeply for the man, there's no use in denying it any longer. Even Akuma can see the truth you are hiding from yourself due to fear. Fear of being abandoned once more.*~
"You... You don't know anything about me!" I seethed, trying to keep my voice calm.
~*Have you forgotten already? I am a part of you, and I know all that there is to know. I am, after all, your dark side. Just as you once told your companions.*~
Just as Akuma did, Ankoku disappeared. I turned abruptly with rage fuming inside of me. I wanted to scream at the demoness for suggesting such a thing. However, the anger soon dissipated, overcome by the emptiness I still held within my heart. A wry smile formed across my lips. Ankoku truly was a part of me now. There wasn't a doubt in my mind; she really was my dark side.
Placing my hand on the black painted wall, I closed my eyes. In an instant, an explosion burned against my palm. Chunks of concrete and plaster cut and bruised my body as the wall crumbled into pieces due to the blast. Blood trickled down my legs, but the wounds healed quickly. Opening my oculars, I stepped forward falling down the small inclination from the new doorway I had created to the ground below. I knew the explosion would draw attention again, but I didn't care at the moment. In fact, I sort of wanted them to look for me. That way, I'd know if my existence meant anything to them now. Even if it was in the slightest way... I wanted to be acknowledged again.
The luscious green grass crumbled under my feet. With every crunch of the blades, I could feel my heart withering inside my chest. Deep within my heart laid the sins that I have done, and the truth I refused to believe. It was a ridiculous concept that I continued to hide from my own conscious mind. In a way, I suppose I knew all along, the true meaning for my continuous disappearances, and my rampant quest for revenge. My sole flaw was evident to anyone who cared to look, I just didn't realize it. Oh, how I wished my misery would end now.
My prayers went unanswered, which was no surprise to me. I didn't expect the gods to listen to my cries now. Not after I had done such terrible things, but still I suppose there was that annoying bit of hope left deep down. My face remained impassive as I stopped walking completely. A particular raven-haired boy stood in my way with his hand propped on his left hip. Sasuke stared at me with disinterest. My heart sank deeper inside my chest, breaking a little more. In the deepest part of my sins, I still felt the pain. No one would ever guess I was harboring such emotions deep down from looking at me. Only I knew, and it'd stay that way... forevermore.
"What do you want, Uchiha?" my voice was plain, without emotion.
Sasuke blinked, "You're off to train again, ne?"
"...What does it mean to you if I am or not?" I questioned.
"Fight me," he stated.
"Nani..?" I muttered. "Doushite? Why should I?"
Sasuke looked away from me, staring off to the right, "We still have a score to settle, remember?"
My eyes widened slightly, unable to hide the shock from my face. Memories began to flood my mind. I tried my best to force them away, but found I couldn't do anything of the sort. Finally, I just gave in.
I headed to my usual training ground only to find someone else beat me to it. I dropped my bag next to a tree and leaned against it waiting for him to notice I was here. I smiled at him when his eyes widened.
"I guess I'm not the only one who trains in the morning," I sighed.
"Hn. Guess not," Sasuke replied walking over to me.
"Ready for the big exam?" I said mustering as much enthusiasm as I could.
I frowned when he didn't answer and started to glare at me. "Did I do something wrong?"
"Never mind," he sighed as he continued to train.
"Mind if I join you? It's been a while since I actually fought someone besides my clones," I shrugged.
"As long as you dont mind losing," he smirked at me.
--End Flashback--
Rest. In. Results.
Only you can give the breath of life...
A humorless laugh escaped my lips, drawing Sasuke's attention back to me. He stared at me with a plain expression before turning away again. I continued to laugh as the memories continued to flow, painfully unforgotten.
I had to refrain from laughing out loud as he threw a kunai at her and she disappeared. I prepared myself for his attack as he ran towards me. Both our kunai met each other with a loud clank of metal on metal. He leaned forward a bit putting more strength on his attack.
"Why are you holding back?" he muttered coming even closer.
I pushed him back, "Who says I'm holding back?"
He panted slightly, "You're not even breaking a sweat. I've seen you train before remember? This is nothing compared to that. I know you're stronger than this. I want you to show me. Dont hold back anymore."
My eyes widened. He noticed? I didn't think anyone could tell that I was holding back. All this time I was trying my best not to show my full strength. Not even Jaron knows it. I wasn't sure if he could handle fighting me head on. He's already tired as it is now, and I'm not even using a tenth of my power. There's no way I'm going to show him it. At least not until I'm sure he can defend himself. I don't want to hurt him. No matter how lame that sounds. I can't do it.
I shook my head at him, "Now's not the time for that."
"Why not?" he hissed. I could tell he was angry at me. His hands tightened around the kunai in his hands. I still couldnt bring myself to launch a full out attack on him.
"Because I don't want to kill you," I muttered under my breath. I was hoping he didn't hear me, but I was obviously wrong.
"I'm not weak, Mika!" he yelled.
I looked at him, "I never said you were! If anyone's weak, Sasuke, it's me! I can't do it because I love you too much!"
--End Flashback--
The pain inside my heart only increased. My fists clenched. It took everything I had not to break down now. After all this time, I had forced that memory into the depths of my consciousness. Out of sight, and out of mind. The more I lingered on it, the more pain I was forced to endure. Obviously Sasuke was out to cause me agony. It must be his new purpose in life. Can't kill Itachi yet? Don't worry; you can just torture me for the time being. No big deal.
"How could I forget?" I murmured. "All that foolishness I spluttered that day. Hn. You want a fight, you have one, Uchiha. Don't worry. I have no reason to hold back now. There is no more love inside my blackened heart, only hatred for you and my uncle, Uchiha."
Sasuke turned to face me once again. The usual emotionless mask residing on his face, "Hn. The feeling is mutual, Takeda."
Chapter Song: Autumn's Monologue, by From Autumn to Ashes
--Not a lot happened in this chappie, ne? Oh well, it pretty much just leads to the next. Whooooo an intense fight scene between Mika and Sasuke. Who will win? Who will lose? What could possibly happen to the young exlovers? xDDD You'll just have to wait to find out. ^-^
Be happy I updated, because I'm in so much freaking pain right now. If I didn't get this out, I would have died from anticipation. Hehe. Hope you liked it, lovelies!!!--
Jumat, 22 Mei 2009
Diposting oleh nathanael di 22.39 0 komentar
Sasuke merupakan teman satu tem naruto selain sakura, sasuke adalah seorang ninja yang berbakat yg selalu menyendiri dan jarang bergaul, sikapnya yg dingin serta kemampuanya bertarung yg tinggi membuat dia disukai parawanita termaksudt sakura.
Sasuke memiliki masa lalu yg kelam dan sama seperti naruto hidup sendiri tanpa teman dan keluarga, cita2 nya adalah menjadi ninja yg kuat membunuh hitachi yg merupakan kakak kandung nya sendiri yg bertangung jawap atas kematian seluruh keluarga sasuke
Picture 1
Picture 2

Diposting oleh nathanael di 04.48 0 komentar
Jumat, 15 Mei 2009
uchiha clan
The Uchiha clan (うちは一族, Uchiha Ichizoku; Literally meaning "Uchiha family") was once considered to be one of the most powerful clans in Konohagakure, now almost extinct from the events of the Uchiha Clan Massacre, with only two known living members remaining, both being missing-nin.
The Uchiha were infamous for their especially strong and natural aptitude for anything combat-related, highly powerful chakra, and their proficiency in fire jutsu, having created several and using them more skilfully than any other. Their signature jutsu was the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique. Clan members are not recognized as adults by the rest of the clan until they can successfully use this.
The Uchiha clan were also most famous for their powerful Sharingan, a Kekkei Genkai which gives them the ability to see the "colors" of chakra and copy their opponent's skills, among other benefits like: enhanced visual perception, the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu. They are most respected and feared for implementing hypnosis (Eye Genjutsus), which can trap a person inside an illusion through direct eye contact. Only a select handful of clan members were capable of accessing this power.
Uchiha is another way of pronouncing "uchiwa," a paper fan, which is the Uchiha clan's symbol. Uchiwa can be used to fan flames, making the flame hotter — referring to the fact that the Uchiha is a clan of fire-jutsu users.
It is said that one of the ancestors of the Uchiha clan founded the Konoha Military Police, and the organization itself largely consisted of members of the Uchiha clan until recently. However, based on Madara's story, the Second Hokage founded the organization as a sign of trust, but was really a method of keeping the Uchiha in check and out of Konoha's governing affairs.
Currently, there are only two known surviving members of the clan: Sasuke Uchiha and Akatsuki mastermind Madara Uchiha, who is the clan founder himself. After obtaining the Mangekyo Sharingan by killing his best friend Shisui Uchiha, Itachi proceeded to slaughter the rest of the clan. Of his family, Itachi only spared Sasuke, claiming to feel that he was not worth killing. However, this was merely a facade, as the real reason to this is because Itachi cared for his brother too much. Madara Uchiha later states that all Itachi has done was to protect Sasuke. Although all the details have not been revealed, he explains that the Uchiha Clan was beginning to get rebellious and was planning a coup d'etat against Konoha. This suspicion was supported by the fact that Uchiha members, particularly those that have the Sharingan, can control the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. To assure such suspicions, the Third Hokage and the elders decided to station a spy among them. The spy was Itachi. By doing this, the Third was able to keep tabs on the clan and when things were soon getting out of hand, Itachi sought help from Madara in assisting him in slaying the rest of his clan members. Sasuke was the only one spared from the massacre. Itachi has told Sasuke that the Uchiha clan's Sharingan has some special and seemingly dark, ultimate purpose. When Itachi died from his illness, only two members of the clan remain.
Contents[hide] |
edit Clan Members
[edit] Pre-Konoha
- Izuna Uchiha, (Deceased, believed to be killed by Madara, was told that he sacrificed himself to give his Sharingan eyes to Madara)
- Hikaku Uchiha (Presumed deceased)
[edit] Pre-Massacre
- Fugaku Uchiha (Deceased, Uchiha Clan Massacre victim)
- Inabi Uchiha (Deceased, Uchiha Clan Massacre victim)
- Mikoto Uchiha (Deceased, Uchiha Clan Massacre victim)
- Obito Uchiha (Deceased, Third Ninja War casualty)
- Setsuna Uchiha (Presumed deceased)
- Shisui Uchiha (Deceased, drowned by Itachi)
- Tekka Uchiha (Deceased, Uchiha Clan Massacre victim)
- Teyaki Uchiha (Deceased, Uchiha Clan Massacre victim)
- Uruchi Uchiha (Deceased, Uchiha Clan Massacre victim)
- Yakumi Uchiha (Presumed deceased, likely Uchiha Clan Massacre victim)
- Yashiro Uchiha (Deceased, Uchiha Clan Massacre victim)
[edit] Post-Massacre
- Itachi Uchiha (Deceased, succumbed to illness)
- Madara Uchiha
- Sasuke Uchiha
edit Trivia
- All Uchiha clan members that are known to have survived the Uchiha Clan Massacre have awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan.
- All but Itachi are still alive and are or were missing-nins.
- All current survivors of the clan desire the destruction of Konohagakure village.
- Itachi Uchiha was one of the Uchiha who loved Konoha,
- According to the 3rd Databook, The Nine-Tailed Fox is the only one who knows the truth of the Uchiha Clan. The truth about the Uchiha clan and about Naruto. However, it appears that the Demon Fox has no intentions of telling what it knows.
Diposting oleh nathanael di 17.13 0 komentar
itachi profiles!!!
Itachi was born into the Uchiha clan and praised by all as the best of his generation. Even by the standards of the battle-adept Uchiha clan, Itachi's prowess far out shinned all others. However, not even his family, friends, or teachers could understand him. When he was only 4, Itachi had already witnessed countless lives lost due to war, which emotionally traumatized him and made him into a pacifist. At age 7 he graduated from the Ninja Academy after only one year at the top of his class, mastered the Sharingan at age 8, passing the Chunin Exams at age 10 and becoming ANBU Captain at age 13. According to Madara, Itachi also had a lover, whom he killed during the Uchiha clan massacre.[1]
He was praised highly by his father, who saw the family's future in Itachi and neglected his other son - Itachi's little brother, Sasuke. However, during this time Itachi showed great affection towards his little brother, Sasuke, and even encouraged his father to come to the Academy when Sasuke was enrolled, something their dad had otherwise forgotten, by saying that he would otherwise not come on a mission.
When the Uchiha began planning to overthrow Konoha, Itachi, as an ANBU, was tasked with spying on the village. Knowing that a coup d'etat would only lead to another Ninja War, Itachi began spying on the Uchiha instead, passing on information to the Third Hokage and the other Konoha elders. After this he began to act strangely, not coming to the clan meetings, speaking out against the clan, and becoming the prime suspect for the murder of his best friend, Shisui Uchiha. The clan lost hope in Itachi, and his father began shifting his focus to Sasuke instead. Meanwhile, the Third's attempts to negotiate a bloodless end to hostilities between the two parties were proving ineffective so, against the Third's wishes, Danzo and the Konoha Council ordered Itachi to wipe out the Uchiha.
Before the fateful night arrived, Itachi found Madara Uchiha trying to rekindle the flames of war in Konoha. In return for never again attacking Konoha, Itachi offered to help Madara claim vengeance against the Uchiha for turning their backs on him decades earlier. Madara agreed. Itachi slaughtered his entire clan overnight, sparing only Sasuke. Sasuke's life was worth more than the village to Itachi, and he could not follow through with the orders to kill him as well. Instead, he made himself out as a villain who killed their innocent family only to test his abilities. He tortured Sasuke with his Mangekyo Sharingan and encouraged him to get strong enough to kill him and avenge their family. Hoping that his beloved little brother really would someday kill him, Itachi left in tears.
Knowing that Konoha would still want to eliminate Sasuke, Itachi pleaded to the Third Hokage to keep Sasuke safe. He also threatened Danzo to not harm Sasuke or risk him going public with everything he knew about Konoha. Sasuke's safety was secured and Itachi returned to the original plan by becoming infamous for his slaughter of the Uchiha. He joined Akatsuki so that he could keep an eye on it and Madara Uchiha in case either ever acted against Konoha, all the while planning for his death at Sasuke's hands.
edit Personality
Ever since his first appearance, Itachi had always been mysterious and had acted as though he was hiding his true self. While flashbacks to his past show that he was a compassionate brother and person, his later acts and claims made it seem that this was mostly just an act. But, surprisingly, he actually was the compassionate brother he once claimed to be, but he hid this to protect Sasuke.
As a member of Akatsuki, he possessed incredible self control of his emotions. He constantly displayed an emotionless personality. He only showed surprise when opponents proved more powerful or skilled than he had expected, and even then he didn't lose his composure. He did not possess any arrogance, and fully justified any statements he made about his power, and even complimented his opponents at times on their abilities.
In addition to being an extremely powerful ninja, Itachi had an equally impressive intelligence and was shown to be very wise. He was exceedingly sharp and observant to any situation at hand as he was rarely surprised or caught off guard. He also displayed great intuition, as he is almost never deceived and even then almost instantly realizes the truth. Despite his status as a wanted criminal and having murdered a significant portion of his family, Itachi had no enjoyment of violence or combat, instead preferring to avoid battle or, if this is not possible, end it as quickly as he can.
Itachi's only initial interest was in Akatsuki's goals and his only loyalty appeared to be to the organization and its members, putting the organization's success and secrecy before everything else.[2] As such, Itachi got along with his partner, Kisame, much better than most other Akatsuki members do with their own partners. Kisame appeared to have a deep loyalty to Itachi, immediately doing as he instructed and constantly looking out for his well-being. Itachi treated all of his fellow Akatsuki members to this same, more respectful personality, although his courtesy was rarely returned by the other members.
However, when he was in a genjutsu duel during his fight with Sasuke, he aggressively and violently claimed he only let Sasuke live so he could take Sasuke's eyes and obtain his own Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and then he claimed the Uchiha clan was nothing but tainted and evil since many members would kill their friends to gain the Mangekyo Sharingan, and take another Uchiha's eyes to make its power permanent. Once the genjutsu was released, he called it his true self, implying his calm, emotionless personality was also a facade. This persona was only an act to ensure he would die by Sasuke's hands, his love for his brother being the fundamental aspect of his personality.
edit Appearance
Despite his status as an infamous shinobi, his appearance is not the most intimidating beyond the intensity of his eyes. While living in Konoha, he would regularly have a gentle and caring look in his eyes, especially to his brother. After joining Akatsuki, he would regularly have a stern look to them. He is a fairly tall shinobi whose basic appearance is very much like the rest of his clan.
He, like all members of his clan possessed dark grey eyes and also has black hair that hangs near his cheeks to frame his face. He also has the addition of a long ponytail in the back of his hair (that he obscured with his Akatsuki cloak after joining the organization). Being brothers, Itachi and Sasuke have a similar appearance but with subtle differences. Itachi's hair color appears slight duller with a softer flow to it without the spiky style in the back. His skin was also slightly darker. Itachi's most distinguishing characteristic were his long pronounced nose ridges under his eyes (which he inherited from his father Fugaku). Itachi actually looked more like his father, while Sasuke looked more like his mother Mikoto.
When he lived in Konoha, his casual clothes would consist of a black shirt with a large Uchiha Clan symbol on the back of it, and black pants with a weapon's pouch strapped to them. Whenever on duty, he would wear the traditional ANBU uniform, but he was never shown wearing a mask. As a member of Akatsuki, he wore the traditional Akatsuki cloak, and he usually kept the center of it buttoned down. After his cloak was incinerated by Sasuke's Kirin during their fight in Part II, it was revealed that he still wore his casual clothes underneath that. Like almost all members of Akatsuki, he wore the headband of his home village, Konoha, with a mark through it to symbolize his broken ties with the village (although secretly, he was actually still loyal to his village).
edit Part I
[edit] Return of Itachi arc
After the Invasion of Konoha and the death of the Third Hokage, Itachi and Kisame infiltrate the village to find Naruto Uzumaki, the container of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. Before searching for Naruto, the two quickly stopped for tea due to a suggestion by Kisame. While there, however, their uncommon clothes drew the attention of Kakashi Hatake, who had Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yuhi follow Itachi and Kisame. Itachi and Kisame nearly managed to escape Konoha, though Asuma and Kurenai caught up to them in time.
After the two revealed their identities, Itachi and Kisame were quick to battle Asuma and Kurenai after they refused to leave. Despite their high ranks of Jonin, Asuma and Kurenai stood little chance against the two Akatsuki members. However, the arrival of Kakashi, managed to keep Asuma and Kurenai from receiving any major damage. After a short skirmish with Kakashi, Itachi activated his Mangekyo Sharingan, and used Tsukuyomi to attack Kakashi's mind and spirit that afterwards left him confined to a bed. After Kakashi revealed he had knowledge of Akatsuki, Itachi ordered Kisame to kidnap Kakashi and kill Asuma and Kurenai. However, Might Guy shows up, revealing that he's already told the ANBU about the two Akatsuki members. Itachi and Kisame retreat, saying they don't want to start a war.
Itachi and Kisame tracked Naruto to a hotel where he was staying with Jiraiya. Uninterested in provoking a Sannin, Itachi used a genjutsu on a pretty woman to draw Jiraiya away from Naruto. Taking the chance, Itachi and Kisame confronted Naruto, though at the very same moment Sasuke arrived to defend Naruto and seek revenge on his brother. Itachi handled his brother with ease while Kisame and Naruto watched, though Jiraiya arrived in time to save the two boys, having not fallen for the hypnotized woman's charm since he knew that pretty women did not usually show interest in him.
Jiraiya immediately asked Itachi and Kisame if their real goal is kidnapping Naruto. They agreed, and Itachi understood that Jiraiya was the one who told Kakashi about Akatsuki. Though Jiraiya wished to fight them himself and prevent others from getting hurt, he honored Sasuke's feelings and allowed him to fight Itachi. Itachi, however, only proved Jiraiya wrong to let Sasuke fight by using his Mangekyo Sharingan on his younger brother to reaffirm his need to get stronger. Jiraiya saved Sasuke in time by using the Summoning: Toad Mouth Bind, which transformed the entire hotel hallway into a toad's belly to trap Itachi and Kisame. Despite Jiraiya's claim that no one has fled this technique before, the two Akatsuki partners escape with Itachi's Amaterasu, leaving him exhausted.
Although he really was supposed to capture Naruto, Itachi's only reason for returning to Konoha after the death of the Third Hokage, was to remind Danzo and the other two village elders not to harm his little brother, Sasuke Uchiha.
edit Part II
[edit] Rescue Gaara arc
While Akatsuki is sealing the One-Tailed Shukaku, they discover that Naruto and Team 7 are en route to their location. Itachi volunteers to distract them, so Pain uses the Shapeshifting Technique on Yura to create a body-double for Itachi. The lookalike, under Itachi's control, engages the Konoha ninja. He is impressed by Naruto and Kakashi's improvements in strength but, because the clone has only a portion of his ordinary strength, it is killed by Naruto's Great Ball Rasengan. Nevertheless, he had bought enough time.
[edit] Hunt for Itachi arc
Following Kisame's capture of the Four-Tailed Beast, Itachi and Kisame meet with the rest of Akatsuki. There they discover that Sasuke, having a few years earlier started training under Orochimaru, has killed Orochimaru. Sometime after the Four Tails is sealed, Zetsu informs them that Sasuke was killed by Deidara's C0. Kisame asks if he is upset that Sasuke's death has left him as the only Uchiha. Itachi remarks that Sasuke isn't dead, and alludes to the fact that there is still another Uchiha (Madara) anyway.
Knowing that his end is near, one of Itachi's shadow clones confronts Naruto, who is looking for Sasuke. Though he claimed he wished only to talk, Itachi was forced to stop Naruto's attacks. After fending off Naruto, Itachi asks why he shows so much interest in Sasuke, a traitor to Konoha. He replies that he is more of a brother to Sasuke than Itachi is, and that he will do whatever it takes to bring Sasuke home. Itachi follows up by asking if he will always feel that way, even if Sasuke threatens Konoha. Naruto says only that if that happens, he will bring Sasuke a home and protect the village. Content with this answer, Itachi gives some of his power to Naruto to use if there is ever need.
After his business with Naruto is done, another of Itachi's shadow clones goes to meet with Sasuke. Sasuke displays how his abilities have improved, so Itachi agrees to have their final battle at an Uchiha Hideout. He waits there for Sasuke's arrival, instructing Kisame to not let the members of Sasuke's Team Snake interfere with their battle. Itachi and Sasuke meet face-to-face and, while exchanging genjutsu, have a conversation about the Uchiha, Madara, and Itachi's "true" motives of wanting to take Sasuke's eyes. When Sasuke managed to escape Itachi's Tsukuyomi, the genjutsu battle ended and the ninjutsu battle began.
Itachi used Amaterasu, but Sasuke shielded himself by shedding his skin, a technique he was able to use because Orochimaru was sealed within him. Sasuke then used his trump card, Kirin, on Itachi. However, Itachi survived by using Susanoo to defend himself. Kirin having expended all of Sasuke's chakra, Orochimaru was able to break free in an attempt to take control of his body. Itachi promptly sealed him away with Susanoo and removed the cursed seal from his body. His last option gone, Sasuke is left helpless while Itachi seems to be reaching for Sasuke's eyes, but instead pokes Sasuke's forehead and says, "I'm sorry Sasuke. There won't be a next time," a reference to his constant unfulfilled promises to train with Sasuke in their youth. Itachi then dies of exhaustion.
[edit] Legacy
Madara collects Sasuke, attends to his wounds, and tries to befriend him when he wakes up. When he removes his mask while doing the latter, Sasuke casts an Amaterasu on him. After quelling the flames Madara explains the Amaterasu to have been inserted in Sasuke by Itachi, meant to protect him from Madara and whatever he might say. Sasuke is perplexed, so Madara goes on to details the history of the Uchiha clan and the truth behind Itachi's life. Towards the end of his story he explains that Itachi had been dying of disease and kept himself going with medicine so that he could die by Sasuke's hands. He also states that Itachi had pushed Sasuke to his limits during their battle to draw out Orochimaru so that he could remove the latter's influence from his beloved little brother.
Sasuke was unwilling to believe the story. Madara persisted, saying that Itachi had entrusted the Uchiha name to Sasuke, hoping he would rebuild the clan on a new foundation of honor and nobility. For the sake of Konoha and for Sasuke he was willing to die as a traitor and criminal. He traded honor for disgrace and Sasuke's love for his hatred, and even then he died smiling. Accepting the truth, Sasuke is crushed to find the brother he has hated for so long was a good person. Upon realizing the truth, he resolves to take vengeance against Konoha for giving them their fates, regardless of Itachi's attachment to the village. He also agrees to start working with Madara, something Itachi had tried to prevent.
edit Abilities
Since a young age, Itachi's intellect and talent have shown their brilliance in everything he did, as even his teachers said his progress hardly required any help. In the few battles he had been seen in since the start of the series, Itachi was shown to be an incredibly powerful ninja, and easily one of the strongest in the Naruto series, as demonstrated by his ability to easily defeat Deidara, Kakashi Hatake, and Orochimaru, who themselves are considered amongst the strongest ninjas in Naruto. Itachi was a master of all the Uchiha clan's techniques, the Sharingan, and had great prowess with the all the three main types of jutsu.
Being a pacifist, Itachi did not actively take part in battle, typically only acting in self-defense. From a stationary position he would study an opponent's movements with his Sharingan and respond accordingly, often with a genjutsu. He could cast a genjutsu by merely pointing or looking at someone, and could similarly turn an opponent's genjutsu against them. Itachi was also noted to be very fast, particularly with his hand movements. This extended to weaving hand seals and throwing weapons, as neither Sasuke nor Kakashi (Sharingan users) could follow his movements in either case. Despite his extensive use of genjutsu, Itachi appears to be quite skilled in taijutsu as well, as demonstrated when he brutally attacked Sasuke during their reunion in Konoha.
Itachi possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan, which increased his already great power, and enabled him to use his most powerful techniques. With his left eye, he could use Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu that traps an opponent's mind in an illusionary world, torturing them for what seems like days in a matter of seconds.[3] With his right eye he could use Amaterasu, a ninjutsu which allowed him to create a black flame that he can direct with his eyesight to burn through seemingly anything in its path, including fire itself. His final technique was Susanoo, a technique that manifested as a spectral being labeled as the "Raging God of Battle" in the databook. It wielded the Totsuka Sword, a spectral sword with the ability to seal anything it pierces into the gourd that serves at its hilt, and Yata's Mirror, a shield that can reflect any attack. Zetsu, a fellow Akatsuki member, stated that Itachi's mastery of the Sharingan combined with the legendary weapons of Susanoo made him invincible.
Despite his mastery of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Itachi suffered greatly from its side effects. His eyesight would worsen after every activation of the Mangekyo Sharingan, and he would eventually go blind from its power, with his Sharingan forever sealed away.[4] Itachi was so close to blindness that by the time he activated Susanoo in his final fight, both Sharingan eyes had gone almost blind and turned white. However he was still able to perform his own Fūinjutsu in his last moments.
edit Trivia
- Itachi (鼬) can be translated as "weasel".
- His surname, Uchiha, is another way of pronouncing uchiwa, or a "paper fan", which is actually the Uchiha clan symbol. An uchiwa can be used to fan flames, making the flame hotter, referring to the fact that the Uchiha is a clan of fire-jutsu users.
- According to Pain, Itachi's reason for fighting is "ideology".
- Itachi has ranked highly in the Shonen Jump popularity polls for the series, continuously placing in the top ten and reaching sixth place once.[5][6]
edit Quotes
- "You are weak. Why are you weak? Because you lack... hatred."
- "Why is it that the Uchiha clan was known by all and feared by all? I'll show you what the Sharingan can do when it's wielded by a true heir of the bloodline."
- "Foolish little brother, if you wish to kill me, hate me, detest me, and survive in an unsightly way. Run, run and cling to life. And one day, when you have the same eyes I do, come before me."
- "People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "Reality." But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts... their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"
- "We are brothers. That is a unique bond. I am the barrier you must overcome, so you and I will continue to exist together, even if you hate me. That's what being a big brother means."
- "I've lost all hope for this pathetic clan."
- "You are not even worth killing."
- (Last Words, to Sasuke) "I'm sorry Sasuke... There won't be a next time."
edit References
- ↑ Naruto chapter 401, page 10
- ↑ Naruto chapter 143, page 08
- ↑ Naruto chapter 142, page 17
- ↑ Naruto chapter 385, page 16
- ↑ Naruto chapter 245, pages 08-09
- ↑ Naruto chapter 293
Diposting oleh nathanael di 17.02 0 komentar
Selasa, 12 Mei 2009
Senin, 11 Mei 2009
type of mangekyou
The Mangekyo Sharingan (万華鏡写輪眼, Mangekyō Sharingan; Literally meaning "Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye") is a heightened form of Sharingan. The Mangekyo Sharingan is distinguished from a normal Sharingan through its appearance, which changes the form of the tomoe seal. Unlike in the case of the Sharingan, the appearance of the Mangekyo Sharingan differs from user to user; Kakashi Hatake's and Itachi Uchiha's both resemble pinwheels, Madara Uchiha's and his brother, Izuna's look more like a detailed form of the basic three-tomoe Sharingan, and Sasuke Uchiha's looks like a star. To acquire the Mangekyo Sharingan, someone close to a Sharingan user must die and the emotion of the loss is responsible for its unlocking. To expedite this occurrence, most Uchiha throughout history have killed their closest friends or family members in order to meet this criteria. Although, how Kakashi gained his Mangekyo Sharingan has yet to be explained.
The Mangekyo Sharingan gives a user access to powerful and forbidden techniques. It is unclear if these techniques are unique among individuals; no two Mangekyo Sharingan users have been seen using the same jutsu, but Madara appears knowledgeable of all Mangekyo Sharingan techniques. The only known exception to this is Amaterasu, which Itachi implants in Sasuke's eyes before dying.
Over time, use of the Mangekyo Sharingan deteriorates the user's eyesight to the point of blindness. Only by taking and transplanting the eyes of one's sibling (who also wields the Sharingan) can the vision be restored, a process that results in the creation of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (永遠の万華鏡写輪眼, Eien no Mangekyō Sharingan). Only three characters still alive in the series possess a Mangekyo Sharingan: Kakashi Hatake (assuming he is still alive), Madara Uchiha, and Sasuke Uchiha.
Contents[hide] |
edit Mangekyo Sharingan Variations
[edit] Itachi Uchiha
Itachi Uchiha gains the Mangekyo Sharingan by killing his best friend, Shisui. With the Mangekyo Sharingan, Itachi is able to use at least three (and the most, as of yet) of the most powerful jutsu. The first is Tsukuyomi, an extremely powerful genjutsu which allows him to torture opponents for what seems like days in a matter of moments. The second technique is Amaterasu, a ninjutsu, which creates virtually inextinguishable black flames at the user's focal point that continue to burn until the target is reduced to ash. The last of these techniques is Susanoo, which allows Itachi to summon a massive ethereal warrior, which then fights on behalf of Itachi and shields him from all attacks.
All of these techniques use massive amounts of Itachi's chakra and, in addition to damaging his eyesight, put a great deal of strain in his body. During his battle with Sasuke, Itachi's eyes are even shown bleeding after using the Mangekyo. He also tells Sasuke that he wants to take his eyes so that he can restore his eyesight to its former glory. During the resulting battle, Zetsu notes that Itachi's "Left Mangekyo" possesses the Tsukuyomi, while the "Right Mangekyo" possesses the Amaterasu.
[edit] Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi Hatake develops his own version of the Mangekyo Sharingan during the timeskip. Kakashi masters a technique that creates a localized interdimensional space-time ninjutsu called Kamui, allowing him to target any object and send it to another dimension. The attack requires considerable effort to aim precisely and appears to leave Kakashi's chakra significantly drained; he collapses after using the technique three times even at full strength in a single day. It is not known how he awakens his Mangekyo Sharingan, as he states long before he acquires it that everyone close to him was dead.
[edit] Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha is the first Uchiha to gain the Mangekyo Sharingan. His Mangekyo took the form of a ring with three circular holes in it. He eventually grew blind from overusing it, and only by taking his younger brother, Izuna's eyes did he regain his sight. This also gave him an "Eternal" Mangekyo Sharingan that gave him great power. His Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan looks identical in appearance to Madara's first Mangekyo combined with Izuna's Mangekyo.
With the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Madara appears to have mastered all the secrets and techniques of the Mangekyo Sharingan. In addition, according to Itachi, Madara has also unlocked a final and, as of yet unknown, ultimate eye technique. Madara, posing as Tobi, has shown using an unnamed space/time ninjutsu which makes him nearly invulnerable and allows him to teleport to different places at will very quickly, but it's unclear if this is a result of his Mangekyo Sharingan. He can also put out the so-called inextinguishable flames of Amaterasu quite easily.
In the past, Madara was able to use his Mangekyo Sharingan to control the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox like a pet. He has since claimed that gathering the nine tailed beasts will return his eyes to their former glory, suggesting his Sharingan have become damaged.
[edit] Izuna Uchiha
Izuna Uchiha acquires his Mangekyo Sharingan soon after Madara did. His took the appearance of three bars stretching out of his pupil. Madara later took Izuna's eyes to regain his lost vision. However, that is only what Itachi said. In Madara's story, Izuna volunteered to give him his eyes for the clan's sake.
[edit] Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha awakens his Mangekyo Sharingan after the death of his older brother, Itachi. Sasuke's Mangekyo takes the appearance of a six-sided star often resembling the atomic model. Unlike other Sharingan, which have a black design and red background, Sasuke's Mangekyo is the first one that is shown to have a red design and a black background.
The only unique ability that Sasuke has displayed using the Mangekyo is Amaterasu, which Itachi implanted within his eyes before his death. When Sasuke first uses it unintentionally against Madara, his eyes take the appearance of Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan. When he later uses it on his own, they take the form of his own Mangekyo Sharingan. He suffers from the same drawbacks from using it as Itachi did, and his eyesight has similarly started to corrode. Sasuke has also been seen using genjutsu with his Mangekyo Sharingan, though it has yet to be named.
edit Mangekyo Sharingan forms
edit See also
Diposting oleh nathanael di 23.40 0 komentar
profil hokage 1-4
Hashirama Senju (Shodaime Hokage) Hokage Pertama
- Umur : -
- Tanggal Lahir : -
- Desa : Konoha Gakure ( Desa daun Tersembunyi).
- Golongan darah : -.
- Warna mata : Hitam.
- Warna rambut : Hitam.
- Tinggi : 185 cm.
- Berat : 74 kg.
Setelah desa Konohagakure didirikan, ketenangannya diganggu musuh sehingga dia berhadapan dengan beberapa musuh ninja kelas S, yaitu
Uchiha Madara (lihat gambar di samping), Kakuzu, dan Zetsu. Uchiha Madara dulu teman baik Hokage Pertama tetapi tidak lama kemudian menjadi musuh karena dia membenci Hokage Pertama terpilih jadi pemimpin desa Konohagakure. Dialah pertama kali membentuk organisasi baru bernama “Akatsuki”. Sampai dia bersama anggotanya, Kakuzu ikut serta dalam menghancurkan desa Konohagakure. Kekacauan itu membuat Hokage Pertama marah dan bertarung dengan Uchiha Madara di tempat yang kelak jadi air terjun dinamakan Shuumatsu no Tani (Valley of The End). Di situlah pertarungan antara Naruto dengan Sasuke di tempat itu setelah pertarungan antara Hokage Pertama dengan Uchiha Madara. Akhirnya, Hokage Pertama berhasil membunuh Uchiha Madara tetapi Uchiha Madara masih hidup dan bertahan sampai Naruto sudah besar. Sayangnya, Hokage Pertama tidak mengetahui dia masih hidup karena dia menglaim Uchiha Madara sudah mati setelah dikalahkan hokage pertama. Tetapi malah pemimpin Akatsuki Pein dan Uchiha Itachi bilang dia masih hidup. Tetapi tidak jelas alasan Uchiha Madara tidak mati. Sebelum bertarung dengan Uchiha Madara, Hokage Pertama pernah berhadapan dengan Kakuzu tetapi mereka tidak dapat mengalahkannya karena dia memiliki kekuatan jurus berhubungan dengan pohon itu cukup merepotkan mereka. Dia mempunyai anggota keluarga, yaiut saudara Hokage Kedua, cucu cewek Tsunade (Hokage Kelima) dan cucu cowok Nawaki. Juga memiliki murid, yaitu Sarutobi kelak jadi Hokage Ketiga, Homura, dan Koharu, keduanya jadi penasehat Konohagakure. Sarutobi adalah salah satu murid paling favorit Hokage Pertama dan Hokage Kedua. Kematian Hokage Pertama banyak menjadi pertanyaan bagi murid-murid Konohagakure masa Naruto hidup karena alasan kematian Hokage Pertama tidak jelas. Akan tetapi, menurut perkataan Kakuzu dalam manga Naruto chapter 336, dia yang membunuh Hokage Pertama dengan mengambil jantung. Apa perkataan Kakuzu itu benar? Masuk Akal?
Tobirama Senju (Nidaime Hokage) Hokage Kedua

- Umur : -.
- Tanggal Lahir : 19 februari.
- desa : Konohagakure ( Desa daun Tersembunyi).
- Golongan darah : -.
- Warna mata : Merah.
- Warna rambut : Abu - Abu.
- Tinggi : 182,3 cm.
- Berat : 70,5 kg.
Ketika Hokage Kedua dibangkitkan bersama Hokage Pertama oleh Orochimaru untuk melawan Hokage Ketiga, dia mengeluarkan jurus Suiton Shuishouha dan Suiton Suijinheki yang membuat Hokage Ketiga menjadi kesulitan. Menjelang kematiannya ketika perang ninja pecah, dia meminta perang harus diakhiri dan membuat kemakmuran bagi Hokage. Kenapa dia mati muda walau sudah baru jadi Hokage? Siapa tahu kenapa dia mati?
Hiruzen Sarutobi (Sandaime Hokage) Hokage Ketiga

- Umur : 69.
- Tanggal Lahir : 8 februari.
- desa : Konohagakure ( Desa daun Tersembunyi).
- Golongan darah : -.
- Warna mata : Abu - Abu.
- Warna rambut : Putih Awalnya Coklat.
- Tinggi : 163.1 cm.
- Berat : 50.6 kg.
Dia, seorang tua bijkasana yang tutur katanya sangat tinggi. Dia sangat dihormati di Konoha. Setelah Hokage Keempat meninggal, Dia kembali mengambil alih Hokage lagi dan harus mengerjakan tugas berat adalah mengembalikan ketenangan dan kemakmuran bagi tempat Konoha dijadikan tempat yang aman dan menyenangkan bagi penduduknya sebelumnya desa itu dihancurkan oleh Kyuubi si siluman rubah berekor sembilan. Dia diajari ilmu shinobi oleh dua guru penting Hokage Pertama dan Hokage Kedua, yaitu ilmu pertahanan dan serangan terbaik. Saat kekacauan sedang berlangsung, dia harus menghadapi Hokage Pertama dan Hokage Kedua baru dibangkitkan Orochimaru. Sayangnya mereka tidak bisa mengenal muridnya karena mereka bergantung pada Orochimaru yang menguasai. Hokage Ketigalah yang pertama membuat aturan baru khusus bagi Naruto harus diperlakukan baik oleh masyarakat Konoha. Kabarnya dia adalah Ayah Asuma ketua kelompok Shikamaru.
Dia mempunyai ketiga murid dikenal legenda, yaitu Jiraiya, Orochimaru, dan Tsunade. Ketika kekacauan dimulai, dia harus menghadapi Orochimaru, salah satu muridnya bersama Hokage Pertama dan Hokage Kedua baru dibangkitkan. Sayang, dia sudah meninggal selama pertarungan dia dengan Orochimaru.
Sarutobi adalah seorang hokage yang tangguh. Pada masa muda, dia juga menjadi guru bagi Jiraiya, Tsunade dan Orochimaru. Salah satu muridnya pun telah menjadi seorang Hokage, yaitu tsunade. Sarutobi disebut juga sebagai profesor di dunia ninja karena bisa menggunakan semua jutsu yang ada di konoha.
Minato Namikaze (Yondaime Hokage) Hokage Ke Empat
- Umur : 24-25.
- Tanggal Lahir : -.
- desa : Konohagakure ( Desa daun Tersembunyi).
- Golongan darah : B.
- Warna mata : Biru.
- Warna rambut : Kuning.
- Tinggi : 172.9 cm.
- Berat : 66.1 kg.
Sebenarnya siapa gurunya tidak dapat diketahui tetapi menurut manga Naruto chapter 382, Jiraiya oranglah guru Minato karena Jiraiya memberi inspirasi kepada Minato atas nama anak dalam buku biografi milik Jiraiya. Apalagi dia pernah diajari jurus Rasengan oleh Jiraiya itu berarti kekuatan ayah Naruto diturunkan kepada anak Naruto. Karena itu, dia memiliki kekuatan elemen angin seperti Naruto. Seperti menurut perkataan Kakasih dalam manga Naruto chapter 315, kekuatannya tidak dapat melebihi kekuatan Naruto termasuk jurus baru Fuuton Rasengan Shuriken telah dibuat Naruto sendiri dengan bantuan jurusan Kage Bunshin no Jutsu karena dia tidak mempunyai cakra sebanyak Naruto. Tidak mungkin dia sendiri mengeluarkan jurus Fuuton Rasen Shuriken dengan jumlah cakra terlalu banyak seperti dimiliki Naruto. Kabarnya, dia memiliki ketiga murid didikannya yaitu Kakasih Hatake, Uchiha Obito, dan Rin.
Dikatakan bahwa Minato merupakan ninja terhebat yang dihasilkan konoha, engan bakat alami yang sangat jarang. Minato menciptakan beberapa teknik istimewa, termasuk Hiraishin no Jutsu (??????) yang bisa membuatnya tiba di lokasi manapun secara cepat, dengan menggunakan segel khusus, atau jutsu-shiki (???). Dengan menggabungkan segel kedalam sebuah kunai atau musuh, Minato dapat berpindah tempat ke lokasi segel tanpa menarik perhatian. Kemampuan ini membuatnya dijuluki sebagai "Konoha's Yellow Flash" (????????? Konoha no K?roi Senk??) atau Si Kilat Kuning dari Konoha, Minato merupakan pencipta rasengan, sebuah teknik yang tidak memerlukan segel tangan, tetapi menggunakan pusaran cakra yang terkonsentrasi dalam genggaman tangan yang mengakibatkan kerusakan yang luar biasa ke korbannya.
Tsunade (Hokage Ke Lima)

- Umur : 53.
- Tanggal Lahir : 2 Agustus.
- desa : Konohagakure ( Desa daun Tersembunyi).
- Golongan darah : B.
- Warna mata : Cokelat.
- Warna rambut : Pirang.
- Tinggi : 163.1 cm.
- Berat : 48.9 kg.
Kemampuan Tsunade sebagai ninja medis maupun petarung sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Kemampuan medis dan kecerdasannya yang mengagumkan, seperti kemampuannya untuk melakukan regenrasi dengan segel bayangan. Kekuatan fisiknya amat mengerikan. Kabuto menggambarkannya sebagai "Sekali kena maka habis sudah". Dengan satu jari bisa membelah tanah, tendangannya menghancurkan daerah sekitarnya, bahkan menggunakan pisau milik gamabunta yang panjangnya 10-15 kali besar tubuhnya. Dia juga bisa menggunakan Kuchiyose berupa siput. Sewaktu kanak-kanak, jiraiya pernah dipukul olehnya dan terpental sampai 100 m. Tidak ada yang selamat jika sudah mengenai pukulan Tsunade. Menurut cerita yang diceritakan yamato kepada Naruto, Jiraiya pernah hampir kehilangan nyawanya. 6 tulang rusuk patah akibat dipukul sekuat tenaga oleh Tsunade, penyebabnya karena Jiraiya bermaksud untuk mengintip pemandian wanita. Semua kemampuan Tsunade diturunkan kepada Sakura, yang menurt Jiraiya adalah pewaris tenaga Tsunade alias Tsunade Ke-dua. Demikian pula Tsunade, yang menganggap kalau Naruto adalah Jiraiya Ke-dua. Mereka juga yakin Sasuke itu pewaris tenaga Orochimaru.
Diposting oleh nathanael di 23.27 0 komentar